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Tarantulas are big, hairy, and even scary to some of us. Tarantula spiders are the largest spiders in the world with hairy bodies but are harmless to humans. Besides a painful bite, tarantulas wouldn’t bother you if you don’t bother them. Keeping tarantulas as big of a responsibility is just as much fascinating as they seem. Tarantulas need warm habitats to live in and are nocturnal hunters.


They prefer feeding on a variety of insects, lizards, small snakes, and frogs. Tarantulas usually hunt with their fangs and kill the prey with venom in their fangs. In captivity, tarantulas require a wholesome diet that consists of proper nutrition, meat, and protein content. The easiest sources of a nourishing diet for tarantulas and other spiders include gut-loaded mealworms, silkworms, king worms, super worms, crickets, and dubia roaches.


Tarantulas also enjoy feeding on beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillars as well as small spiders. Other species of spiders follow similar feeding habits. A spider’s common diet usually comprises moths, flies, and other insects. As they grow in size, certain spider species are also known to eat small vertebrates like frogs, birds, lizards, and bats.

Feeding Tarantula

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