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Water birds are aquatic birds, these are birds that live on or around water. The birds that live on or near water have adapted to be able to find food during the entire year. Water birds such as herons, cranes, ducks, loons, geese, grebes, and coots dine on combinations of water bugs, aquatic vegetation, small fish, invertebrates, frogs, seeds, grains, and nuts. How much protein do ducks, geese, swans, and other waterbirds need?


It’s dependent on their age, but on average, ducks require 14%-22% of their diet to be made up of protein. That’s remarkably close to the 17%-22% protein that makes up most of the insects. Exotic Swans and ducks are often kept as backyard birds in captivity. However, providing the right nutrition and breeding these birds is often challenging. Live foods can be a great supplement to their diet, they will also enjoy foraging these insects thus inducing wild behaviors.


Insects in their diet plays important role in the nutrition of these birds. Bugs like mealworms, crickets, fly larvae, and super worms are a healthy source of energy and are a protein-rich alternative to bread which your ducks, swans, and geese will love! Protein is important all year round; from the busy breeding season building & defending nests, raising young and increased competition for food, to the short dark days of winter in cold weather.

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